National Drug Bureau enables online procedures for pharmacists and medical devices”
The National Drug Bureau has initiated the online procedures for pharmaceutical specialties and medical devices project. At this time, the only procedures that can be done on line are notifications and those that do not require a further review from the sanitary authority. This project is focused on reducing the delay that exists in the issuance of resolutions of process that require examination.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of El Salvador has extended the term for all components (input or ingredient) for animal consumption (finished product or raw material) that are imported into El Salvador, without exception, come from duly certified manufacturing plants. The new term expires on November 17th, 2017. The certification is done through technical personnel of said Ministry who travel to the country of origin of the component, at the manufacturer’s cost.
For additional information for this process, please feel free to contact to José Roberto Romero, Managing Partner, Pamela Giraldo or Virginia Vilanova from Romero Pineda’s Unit of Health Registrations, by phone (503) 2505-5555 or email, or
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