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Felipe von Unger, Francisco Espinoza, and Santiago Ortúzar


Regulatory update on Education in Chile – Alessandri Abogados  

Chilean firm Alessandri has put together a webinar focusing on the regulatory updates that educational establishments in Chile must adhere to in order to enforce their educational project and apply current standards.
In said event, Felipe von Unger, associate lawyer in charge of advising educational establishments, and Francisco Espinoza, director of the labor practice area, presented internal regulations and teaching statutes, among other topics. The webinar was aimed at any institution or school that educates minors, and was moderated by Santiago Ortúzar,

Felipe addressed the internal regulations and how it must be correctly articulated to be up to date with legal standards. The requirements for obtaining official recognition, maintaining it, and regulating the matters inherent to the operation of the school (such as coexistence) were discussed. In addition, he detailed the qualitative and quantitative elements that this document must have and presented court cases as examples.
Francisco delved into the requirements that a paid private school teacher must meet for the Teaching Statute to be applicable, and the functions that he/ she must have. He also discussed contracts and termination. Finally, he touched on the issue of employees´rights, working hours and remuneration.

Acces the webinar here
Download the webinar here.

See also (in Spanish): Discriminación e igualdad de trato: medidas que los colegios deben aplicar


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