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Romina Buso, Alejandra Rojas Castañeda, Eugenia Sermeño, Monica Malcotti and Marisol Saravia Aguirre

LMBD - Legal Marketing & Business Development Network LatAm

LATIN COUNSEL has spoken with the founders of LMBD - Legal Marketing & Business Development Network LatAm: Romina Buso, Alejandra Rojas, Eugenia Sermeño, Mónica Malcotti and Marisol Saravia, who told us how the idea of this project came about, what challenges they have faced, and where they are aming for.

"This project aims to bring together professionals in Business Development, Marketing and Communication, as well as lawyers and partners in charge of developing business opportunities for their firms, to create a collaborative community where we can learn, share experiences and knowledge to boost the growth of our firms", they explained.

What inspired you to found LMBD - Legal Marketing & Business Development Network Latam and what is its main objective?

Our inspiration to found LMBD LATAM came from a deep need we identified in the field of business development and legal marketing in Latin America. As professionals working in this field, we realized that there was a gap in terms of spaces for collaboration and professional growth for those dedicated to these areas in our region.
We asked ourselves: why not take advantage of the opportunity to unite as professionals and create a solid network that promotes the exchange of knowledge, the establishment of relationships and the generation of strategic alliances? Thus was born the idea of LMBD LATAM, a network focused on business development and legal marketing in Latin America.
Our main objective is to drive growth and professional excellence in our industry. We want to bring together bright and passionate minds that are dedicated to business development and legal marketing, and provide them with a space where they can share their experiences, learn from each other and establish valuable connections.
In addition, we seek to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas among the members of our network. We firmly believe that together we can achieve more and overcome the challenges we face in our industry. We want to be a supportive platform, where we can all benefit from the collective wisdom and shared experiences.
In summary, LMBD LATAM was born out of the need to unite as business development and legal marketing professionals in Latin America, with the objective of driving growth and excellence in our industry through the exchange of knowledge, the creation of strategic alliances and collaboration among its members.

How would you describe the community and the members that are part of it?

The LMBD LATAM community is comprised of a diverse group of passionate and committed marketing, communications and business development professionals in the legal sector in Latin America. Our members range from marketing and business development directors and coordinators to law firm partners who play key roles on the marketing committee and in generating business opportunities for their firms.
What really defines our members is their collaborative energy and desire to grow with this network. They are people who are willing to share their knowledge and experience, as well as make valuable connections with other industry professionals. They all share an open mind and are eager to explore new ideas, strategies and approaches to business development and legal marketing.
In addition, our members are leaders and change agents in their respective organizations. They have a clear vision of how marketing and business development can enhance the success of their law firms in Latin America. They are willing to challenge boundaries and embrace new ways of working to achieve outstanding results.

What are the main challenges you have faced in establishing and growing LMBD - Legal Marketing & Business Development Network Latam?

LMBD LATAM is taking its first steps and we face many challenges in this journey full of energy and enthusiasm, but which test our determination every day. Like any great adventure, the establishment of the network has not been smooth, nor has it been without challenges.
One of the challenges we must overcome every day is lack of time. As professionals in this exciting industry, we know that our schedules are always overcrowded and everything seems to be rushed. In addition, we all have our family and personal responsibilities. Committing ourselves and finding the time to drive and develop LMBD LATAM has been a challenge. But we are determined to do it because we believe in the value we can bring and in the growth potential that this network can provide to all its members.
Another important challenge is that we are building LMBD LATAM without any external funding. For now, all the effort and time invested comes from us and from those who join the group. We are building this network from scratch, using our resources and our passion as our main engine.
In addition, we face the constant challenge of turning ideas into tangible realities. Having visions and concepts is wonderful but transforming them into concrete programs and projects requires dedication and perseverance. We are working hard to bring the ideas we have in mind to life and offer significant added value to our members.
Capturing attention and standing out amidst the sea of information out there is also a major challenge. We know there is a lot of competition and noise in our field, so we need to be creative and strategic to stand out and attract those professionals who would benefit from joining our network. We are committed on finding innovative ways to communicate our message and showcase the unique value that LMBD LATAM can offer.
These are just some of the challenges we face at this early stage, but we are excited to tackle the mountain of challenges that lie ahead. We are ready to climb that mountain together with the other members of LMBD LATAM, enjoy the journey and build a strong and vibrant network that will benefit everyone involved in business development and legal marketing in Latin America.

What advice would you give to someone looking to build their own network of contacts and connections?

Building a solid network of contacts and connections takes time, effort and perseverance, as well as patience. LMBD is just taking its first steps, but we are happy with the positive reception it has received in this short time. 
Among the tips we should remember and put into practice we can highlight the importance of proactivity and not waiting for opportunities to come to us, but to go out and look for them. Also, do not underestimate the power of reciprocity by offering help and support to other members of your network and establishing strategic alliances that benefit both parties. Finally, and just as important as proactivity, is to be patient. Building a network of meaningful contacts and connections takes time. Do not get discouraged if the results are not immediate, but on the contrary, keep a positive attitude, persevere and keep looking for opportunities to expand the network.

How do you manage and promote diversity and inclusion in your network?

At LMBD LATAM, we foster diversity and inclusion by promoting a welcoming and respectful environment for all. We value and celebrate diversity in all its forms, including gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and professional background. We encourage active participation and the exchange of ideas from all members, creating an inclusive and enriching community.

What are your future plans for the network and how do you plan to further develop it?

Our future plans for LMBD LATAM include expanding our presence in Latin America, strengthening strategic alliances, offering professional development programs and creating spaces for collaboration and knowledge sharing. We will continue to develop the network through events, conferences and educational resources, providing increasing value to our members and fostering the joint growth of the community.

What do you enjoy most and what do you find most rewarding about leading this network?

This network is something we all wanted without knowing it or being able to express it clearly and seeing it become a reality little by little is something we are very excited about.
Leading LMBD LATAM gives us great satisfaction to be able to share with like-minded and passionate professionals in our industry. Before founding this network, we realized the lack of opportunities to connect and share knowledge with other colleagues. This awakened in us the desire to create a space where we could come together, learn from each other and establish strong professional alliances.
What excites us deeply is the potential we see in this network. We know many exceptional professionals in the field of business development and legal marketing in Latin America. We know that by bringing together this talented group, we can achieve great things together. The diversity of perspectives, experiences and skills found in our community is truly inspiring.
In addition, it is rewarding to witness how members benefit from each other by sharing knowledge and building valuable professional relationships. Seeing their professional growth and development, as well as the positive impact they make on their organizations, motivates us and fills us with joy.

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