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Laura Hernández Bethermyt
Alessandri Abogados


Women in Chilean innovation and creation in 2023

Laura Hernández Bethermyt  

This April 26, 2023, in commemoration of World Intellectual Property Day, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) pays tribute to innovative, creative and entrepreneurial women with the central theme "Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity". To celebrate women in the field, it has highlighted several women leaders in diverse areas, as diverse as Intellectual Property. These women have made a difference with developments and projects that are representative and innovative.
Laura Hernández Bethermyt, associate at Alessandri Abogados, highlights some of the Chilean women honored, creators such as Yael Meyer, Vivian Lavín, and Andrea Curumilla.

Andrea Irarrázaval 
With the mission of reducing industrial and polluting gases on the planet, as well as promoting sustainable development and avoiding the impacts of climate change, Andrea Irarrázaval has worked to implement first-class technology in biofuel products. The founder of Clean Energy ESB developed a patented microalgae carbon capture system that generates oxygen, cleans water and produces biomass.

Yael Meyer 
In a completely different field, Yael Meyer’s career in music is noteworthy, with a presence at major festivals, songs that have been part of television series, advertising campaigns and films, as well as her successful work in music supervision, music licensing and licensing under KLI Records. The artist has had a global projection for a whole generation of South American music artists and managers.

Vivian Lavín Almazán
Authors and literary publishers are recognized and represented by the work that Vivian Lavín Almazán has sustained over time. Her presence in the field of culture has been highlighted on numerous occasions by the Society of Writers of Chile, Chilean Chamber of Books, Society for the Rights of Letters, among others.

Marcela Carvajal Tocornal 
On the other hand, innovation is one of the words that describes Marcela Carvajal Tocornal’s work in the Region. Her contribution to science and technology, linked to the agricultural sector, makes her the holder of patents and applications for inventions related to the development of bioinputs and natural products in this area. Agroecological agriculture owes much to this professional and her contributions in this area.

Andrea Curumilla Curiñán
Finally, the work of Andrea Curumilla Curiñán should be highlighted, as her innovative projects have led to the development of innovative products in the market. Andrea joined the Important System of World Agricultural Heritage with the Chilean National Institute of Industrial Property, and is a participant in the SIPAM Chiloé Certification Mark.

All these examples of successful and innovative women creators confirm that there are more and more of us women with a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

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