New Regulation Streamlines the Entry of Raw Materials for Free Trade Zones into Costa Rica
BLP Legal - The Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Health have issued regulations under Decree No. 44696-S-COMEX, allowing the admission of products of sanitary interest or their raw materials into the free trade zone and active improvement regimes without requiring sanitary registration or authorization notification, considering the following:
If the products of sanitary interest or their raw materials are imported, marketed, distributed, used, or consumed within the national territory, they must have a sanitary registration, notification, or authorization granted by the Ministry of Health.
The regulation stipulates that the request for the admission of products of sanitary interest or their raw materials must be submitted through the VUCECR platform at, by completing the electronic FAD (Formulario Aduanero Digital).
The Health Authority has 7 calendar days to resolve the inclusion request in the MIN.SALUD catalog on the VUCECR website. Once a product receives authorization, subsequent admissions will be automatically approved.
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