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Sol Sánchez Bacharach


WLW Launches "Conoce(De)", a Program to Promote Law Careers in Schools across Spain  

Women in a Legal World ("WLW") has launched the Conoce(De) Program, the first National program to promote law subjects in schools and high schools throughout Spain.

The Project is being designed by the Training Commission of WLW | Women in a Legal World, and will be launched at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.

The Program will be tutored by WLW members under 35, and is born with the objective of teaching and explaining to first and second year high school students what it means to study Law, its subjects, areas of practice, basic concepts, and potential professional opportunities. The content of the sessions will include at least two speakers from different fields or areas of specialization, practical examples of issues faced in the day-to-day of their careers, and a small dynamic Q&A session.

Currently, in Spain, no law-related subjects are taught in schools and high schools, which means that many students are unaware of their content, or the real jobs that they could have access to if they studied law.

According to those responsible for the program, it is expected that the program will reach at least 20 schools and institutes throughout Spain, and it is predicted that in its first year of life it will already be present in most autonomous communities.

Program coordinator Sol Sánchez Bacharach commented:

"When I chose to study Law and ADE, I did so because I took economics during my high school years and something caught my attention. I had no idea about Law (and personally, I found it the most boring thing in the world), but choosing a double degree sounded better, and everyone recommended it. Today, I am passionate about law. I’m a geek about keeping up to date with new developments and I love studying new topics (the more complex the better). I owe part of that pivotal turn in my life to the people who taught me, and those who offered  their vision of how broad Law could be and how many professional opportunities it could have".

"What would have happened if I had not realized what I like? How positive would it be if first and second year high school students could learn a little more about what Law studies entail, and what is covered in careers in Law?"

Sol Sánchez Bacharach is a lawyer at Garrigues’ London office and specializes in advising on M&A transactions. She is a member of the Young Technical Cabinet of Women in a Legal World, a young coordinator of the Training Committee, and a membe

For more information about the program, send an email to com.formacion@womeninalegalworld.com


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